Tuesday, January 29, 2008

i want to be alive

when does a child grasp the real meaning of death?

it was just me and my son roque at the dinner table tonight when he asked me, "what do people do in heaven?"

i said, "well... they probably sing with the angels or play. it's a happy place."

"but the people there are old," he said. i knew he thought that people only die when they get old and then they go to heaven.

"no," i said, "not all people in heaven are old."

he thought about it for a while, i guess trying to understand what i just said. i was not sure if he realized just then that not just old people die. and then he said, "i don't want to die even if i'm old. even if i'm 100 years old, i still want to be alive."

"well... super lolo was alive until he was 105 years old, remember?" i reminded him. "so you really can still be alive at 100."

he paused to think long again, and then he asked, "are you gonna be dead soon?"

"no, i don't think so. i hope not.... why do you ask?" i asked.

"nothing," he said, putting his head near mine and closing his eyes real tight, holding back his tears, while giving me a momentary hug.

"of course not, i won't die yet," i reassured him... in my mind, i thought, "if it is at all humanly possible, i want to be alive with you by the time you reach 100."


Blogger mama_aly said...

if you're still alive when he's 100, that will make you 106. minus the aches and pains it might not be a bad idea...he's a treasure of a boy, he'll certainly turn into a treasure of an old man.

this little boy is so lucky his mom has all these conversations in her blog.

Wednesday, 30 January, 2008  
Blogger freckle-face said...

hi aly,
i think i'll be much older than 106 at 137 years old by the time he reaches 100... not humanly possible but then again, at least our conversations will be able to outlive me and be with him till he's 100. :)

Wednesday, 30 January, 2008  
Blogger mama_aly said...

oo nga. sa sobrang aliw ko pati ang math abilities ko nagulo.

Wednesday, 30 January, 2008  

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